Our Educational Programmes
Τhe educational programmes of Olympus Education are focused on practice-based learning.
Practice-based learning aims to bridge the gap between theory & practice and it helps students to link what they have learnt with the real work experience.

Our programmes are:
- executed by experienced scientific personnel and highly specialized staff working in the private sector
- implemented in cooperation with established private companies
- performed in cooperation with recognized public and private universities and educational organizations
- complied with European Commission educational programmes (ERASMUS)
- enriched with visits to natural and cultural world known sights, many sports and learning activities as well as many special thematic events
Below is the core of our existing educational programmes by field of study.
Olympus Education is always under research and development of new educational programmes and we can also design and structure your programme according to your needs and the desired field of education and experience.
The hotel programme offers education and practical experience in operation (housekeeping, reception, bar, restaurant etc.), sales & marketing, customer service and online hotel marketing.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with
- selected 3,4 and 5-star hotels
- the Department of Business in Tourism of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university)
Τhe educational programme is focused on both theoretical and practical training related to gastronomy and production process of special food items.
There is a variety of training fields such as wine making, production of food items, cooking, bartending, restaurant-hotel F&B operation.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with
- food production companies, wineries, restaurants, hotel F&B departments, specialized food stores etc.
- the Department of Business in Tourism of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university)
- the American Farm School in Thessaloniki city
Τhe educational programme is focused on both theoretical and practical training of various agriculture fields such as: wine making, greenhouse operation, cultivation of fruits and vineyards, olive making, cheese and milk production, botanology, animal breeding etc.
The programme is executed by experienced scientific personnel and highly specialized staff, and it is carried out in cooperation with:
- well established companies in agricultural sector (fruit packaging, hydroponic greenhouse, cultivation estates, dairy, animal farms, olive press, wineries etc.)
- the Department of the Agricultural Technology of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university)
- the American Farm School in Thessaloniki city
Τhe programme is focused on practical training through visits in integrated auto dealers and practics in car workshops, under the instructions of highly experienced and specialized staff.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with:
- local car workshops and vulkanizer
- official auto & tractors dealers of well known companies
- specialized machinery companies
- the school of Auto Mechanics of the Educational Department of OAED (O.A.E.D is a public organization for employment and education).
Τhe educational programme is focused on theoretical and practical training of computer and electronic assembly as well as software and programming tasks.
The programme is executed by highly experienced and specialized staff and it is carried out in cooperation with:
- well established companies involved in computer and electronic services and robotics
- and the Educational Department of OAED (O.A.E.D is a public organization for employment and education).
Τhe educational programme is focused on the basic fundamental principles of economy and accounting as well as to the daily operation of different departmens of a company.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with:
- experienced professionals who work in accounting offices and in-house accounting departments of private companies
- logistic departments of companies working in different sectors of economy
- Chambers of Commerce based in Pieria and Thessaly
- and the Educational Department of OAED (O.A.E.D is a public organization for employment and education).
The educational programme is focused on the practical training of logistics’ basic principles as well as understanding the main principles of Logistics applied on a daily basis in international companies.
The core of the programme involves:
- visits to established logistics companies
- work with experienced personnel to analyze the principles for the coordination of procurement, storage and distribution in the modern business environment
- inspections in logistic departments of companies working in different sectors of economy
- meetings at Logistic Department of Technological Educational Institution of Katerini (public university)
Programme of practics for future vet assistant focuses on learing basic skills used at everyday work with animals as well as gaining knowledge on the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with:
- local vet clinics
- experienced vets working both with pets and farm animals
- proffesional animal farms (sheeps, goats, cows, horses ets.) and studs
- the Department of Agriculture of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university)
Τhe programme is focused on practical training under the instructions of highly experienced and specialized staff and on visits at agromachinery dealers to follow the latest technical developments in this field.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with:
- local agomachinery workshops and vulkanizer
- official agromachinery and tractors dealers of well known companies
- companies distributing spare parts for agricultural machinery
- the Department of Agriculture of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university).
This programme is focused on the developing practical skills needed at everyday work in hairdresser’s and barber shops such as: cutting, trimming, coloring but also appropriate hair care and advising customers of salons.
The core programme involves:
- cooperation with best hairdresser’s and barber shops
- hair styling workshops
- workshops in cutting and trimming with models
- inspections in the proffesional barber shops and hair salons
The internship program for future tourism employees assumes familiarizing them with various aspects of work in the tourism industry and providing them with basic practical skills needed at work.
The programme is carried out in cooperation with:
- local greek DMC’s and tour operators from the area of Pieria and Thessaly
- experienced tourist leaders, reps and local guides
- different reservation systems of various types and purposes
- most known hotels, restaurants and companies delivering subproducts for tour operators
- the Department of Business in Tourism of the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly (public university)